CAD Divider

Planning Approved

Jan 17, 2020

The proposals comprise the addition of a new gymnasium and the addition of a new entrance block to replace the old stepped and ramped access to the Bernard Sunley Gymnasium in St Clement St, Truro.

By pushing the site boundary walls further back into the site an entrance forecourt has been created to relate with the public footpath to the side of the building and the pedestrian crossing linking to the Old Bridge St car park.

A similar space has been created alongside the existing restaurant building to the west of the entrance block. This will form a foreground to a terrace outside a coffee bar. These spaces will be planted with trees and make a significant contribution to the quality of the streetscape. The Historic Environment Planning Officer has said “The proposals are considered an improvement to the building and will enhance the quality of the Conservation Area. “

Below is the Bernard Sunley Gymnasium currently.
